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Friday, December 21, 2018

CNN’s 2014 Journalist Of The Year Resigns After Admitting To Falsifying Stories

A reporter at the German news magazine Der Spiegel — who won CNN’s Journalist of the Year Award in 2014 — resigned on Wednesday after admitted to making up stories.

Claas Relotius “falsified articles on a grand scale and even invented characters,” Der Spiegel admitted in a statement.

It went on, “He included individuals in his stories who he had never met or spoken to, telling their stories or quoting them. Instead, he would reveal, he based the depictions on other media or video recordings.”



  1. So they finally admit fake news, huh who would have thunk it...

  2. So that confirms journalists making up news.
    Kind of like the front page of todays Daily Times: there's a photo of flooding at Canal Woods and the article is about tidal flooding caused by sea level rise. Hmmm... I wonder what sea came all the way up into Coulbourne Pond? And another showing a photo of Coastal Hwy flooded due to - yes you got it - rain, not sea!
    Oh, yeah, it was due to rain, you numb-nuts!! You couldn't find one example of sea level rise so you had to show the aftermath of torrential downpours.

  3. The Clinton News Network needs to be shut down!
    C N N


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