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Thursday, December 06, 2018

Sweden: 70-Year-Old Woman Interrogated, Convicted For Anti-Muslim Facebook Post

Pensioner expressed concern about Islamic takeover

A 70-year-old woman in Sweden was interrogated by police and later convicted for an anti-Muslim Facebook post in which she expressed fear that Islam was taking over the country.

The post, made in May 2018 on the Facebook group Stand Up For Sweden, appeared as a comment underneath an article about violence towards women.

“Is this not Sweden or have we turned over the country to some Muslim damned vermin?,” the woman wrote.

The post was flagged by taxpayer funded hate speech watchdog group Näthats-inspector and the woman was subsequently interrogated by police in Hudiksvall.

She admitted that she could have framed the post better but asserted that she was merely upset after reading material about the mistreatment of women in Islamic countries.

“I am against the fact that they are bad to women. We have so many Muslims coming. I must have meant that they are battering women. I’m afraid of that,” she told police, adding that she had been “provoked” by news headlines about the issue.

The woman as later convicted and ordered to pay 40 daily fines of 120 kronor.



  1. Keep voting democrat in Maryland and you'll find yourself in the same situation. The democrats are SMARTER than voters in Maryland. They must be. The stupid people continue to vote them in. Look at any news agency with a Maryland Congressional representative giving an interview. YOU VOTED FOR THESE MORONS??? WOW!!

  2. Zuckerburg gave them all of her personal info for free!

  3. Socialism at its best.

  4. The judge must have thought that it was not all that horrible, because 120 kronor is about $13.00. Her total fines come to about $500.

    1. WOW. You missed the entire conversation 6:11. But paying any fine for voicing your opinion is a disgrace. You must be the smartest person in room type person.

  5. Already In Michigan......

  6. 8:59...only on the western shore! This will not be tolerated here. smh..

  7. So what do they do when muzzies post anti Christian statements on Facebook?

  8. Anonymous said...
    The judge must have thought that it was not all that horrible, because 120 kronor is about $13.00. Her total fines come to about $500.

    December 7, 2018 at 6:11 AM

    That's not the point, Penis Breath!

  9. Anonymous said...
    8:59...only on the western shore! This will not be tolerated here. smh..

    December 7, 2018 at 1:18 PM

    Oh, it's not. I guess you weren't watching PAC 14 last Tuesday night when newly sworn-in candidate Josh Hastings gave his anti-white man hate speech and loved all over James Yamakawa adoring a murderer who was allegedly lynched. Only in America will a white man hate his own race.

  10. Anonymous said...
    So what do they do when muzzies post anti Christian statements on Facebook?

    December 7, 2018 at 11:52 PM

    Obviously that is Ok.

  11. How is it that black people spread their hate all over Facebook and no one bats an eye, but the minute a white person says something about another race they are automatically a racist and banned from Facebook and Social Media.


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