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Thursday, December 06, 2018

CNN Contributor Marc Lamont Hill Calls for Destruction of Israel, Endorses Palestinian Violence

Hill was speaking at the “U.N. International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People,” which provides an annual platform for extremist rhetoric against Israel

CNN Contributor Marc Lamont Hill told the United Nations on Wednesday that Israel should be replaced by a Palestinian state, and defended the Palestinian use of violence against Israel.

Hill was speaking at the “U.N. International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People,” which provides an annual platform for extremist rhetoric against Israel. He was present to express his views as an “invited representative of civil society.”



  1. This jerk is the biggest POS to come down the pike in a long time........or ever. He is very negative and his hate for whites shows through every time he opens his mouth. Why anyone would have this idiot on their show or listen to him, is beyond me. He is one of the worst, right up there with Malcom X, Obama's loud mouthed preacher,Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Al Franken. Huseim Obama and Moochele and others. You know who they are.

  2. And a majority of Jews still vote Democrat,go figure.

  3. I wouldn't worry about it.
    The only people heard it are the two dozen viewers they have.

  4. Looks like you have some issues. Remember Jesus was of Palestine his parents were of ancient Egyptian decent. . Remember the so called jews of today could have been the people you think they are they are Europeans . Yes ! that part of the world are people of color no way could a caucasian hide in that part of the without being visible.You people always try to turn the tides.


  5. Some years back Fox occasionally had him on for a contrasting opinion. He was pretty incoherent then; doesn't sound like he's gotten any smarter. But now he can add anti-Semite to his resume. And I think that CNN canned him in the aftermath.

    Lucky for him he's got a steady gig in the garden spot known as Filthydelphia.

  6. And let us not forget Van Jones. Lamont Hill is just like that biased, ignorant, racist POS!


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