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Friday, December 21, 2018

Suspect Gets Unusual Body Probe In Police Search. Then He Gets The Bill.

A man stopped by police in Syracuse, New York on October 2017 had a rather unusual search performed on him as the police looked for drugs, and later got a $4,595.12 bill for the service: a rectal probe.

Torrence Jackson, 42, was arrested after failing to signal a turn following a traffic stop; officers reportedly found a baggie of marijuana and cocaine residue on his car seat. Jackson had a prior rap sheet, including charges of resisting arrest, drug use, weapons charges and leading police on chases. Reason.com reported police said he taunted them that he'd hidden drugs inside his rectum. When he was asked for his consent for the sigmoidoscopy at St. Joseph’s Hospital Health Center, he refused; he reportedly refused to take a laxative meant to speed up a bowel movement and allegedly would not consent to a standard rectal exam.



  1. What do the settlements prove? Taxpayers always get the $&!+ end of the stick.

  2. Wow!!! READ THE whole story people. That is redicilous. He should sue for sure.

  3. Our county jail has inmates that will give a new prisoner a rectal probe and exam!

  4. I would want to see a court order before I did or allowed anything as invasive as that in my hospital. When the patient says "NO" and the only people saying "YES" are police officers, I'm going with the "NO".

    1. Thats what he gets for bragging about where his stach was, he deserved it!

  5. 7:29 until your HR rep shows up with a lawyer then what? you either do it or you are fired? just how far are your willing to go for your beliefs? possibly losing everything you worked your whole life for over some drug mule?

  6. I know of a Mayor that would do this for free!


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