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Friday, December 21, 2018

American drug firm sent more than 3 MILLION opioids to West Virginia town in just 10 months

The six-largest drug firm in America shipped more than 3 million prescription opioids to a single pharmacy in West Virginia over the course of 10 months - averaging out to 10,000 pills a day.

McKesson Corp. sent 'massive quantities' of hydocodone to the now closed Sav-Rite Pharmacy in Kermit, West Virginia, according to a congressional report that was released on Wednesday.

The deliveries continued even after a McKesson warehouse in Ohio flagged the orders in 2007, added the report obtained by the West Virginia Gazette Mail.

McKesson had reported to the Drug Enforcement Administration that purchases made were 'reasonable' during that period.



  1. so why aren't these drug dealers being punished? oh that's right they donate to congress!

  2. went To my Ex Wife.....who is addicted to prescription opiates

  3. Now that they clamped down suicide rates and use of heroin go up. End drug prohibition entirely and treat the real issue of mental health.

  4. Kermit, West Virginia, population 364. Yes, three hundred and sixty-four.

  5. They're partly responsible for opioid street sales a hundred miles in any direction.

  6. Easy fix. Lock the drug users up to the maximum extent of the law

  7. Anonymous said...
    so why aren't these drug dealers being punished? oh that's right they donate to congress!

    December 21, 2018 at 1:27 PM

    Because they didn't break the law you dumb a$$. This is just a publicity stunt for lawyers to "find fault" with the factories and make millions off a lawsuit. This is asinine and you are pretty stupid to fall for it.

  8. The last I heard you needed a doctor's prescription. Are we blaming the wrong people?

  9. 5:44 seriously? if you supply this poison to others aren't you considered an accomplice? doesn't matter if it comes from mexico columbia or big pharma? ever wonder why big pharma doesn't offer cures for anything anymore? there's no money in selling you a one time fix. better financially to give you something you need or want every day just to function. lot's more money in that! so who's the idiot here? a mind and a life are terrible things to waste! shame on you!


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