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Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Send The 'Mad Dog' To The Corporate Kennel

Outgoing Defense Secretary Gen. James “Mad Dog” Mattis was famous for quipping, “It’s fun to shoot some people.” It remains a supreme irony that Mattis was widely considered the only “adult in the room” in the Trump administration. Compared to whom? John Bolton, the rabid neocon serving as national security adviser? That would be the epitome of “condemning with faint praise.”

With his ramrod-straight image, not to mention his warrior/scholar reputation extolled in the media, Mattis was able to disguise the reality that he was, as Col. Andrew Bacevich put it on Democracy Now! this morning, “totally unimaginative.” Meaning that Mattis was simply incapable of acknowledging the self-destructive, mindless nature of U.S. “endless war” in the Middle East, which candidate-Trump had correctly called “stupid.” In his resignation letter, Mattis also peddled the usual cant about the indispensable nation’s aggression being good for the world.

Mattis was an obstacle to Trump’s desire to pull troops out of Syria and Afghanistan (and remains in position to spike Trump’s orders). Granted, the abrupt way Trump announced his apparently one-man decision was equally stupid. But withdrawal of ground troops is supremely sane, and Mattis was and is a large problem. And, for good or ill, Trump — not Mattis — was elected president.
Marine Wisdom

Historically, Marines are the last place to turn for sound advice. Marine Gen. Smedley Butler (1881-1940), twice winner of the Medal of Honor, was brutally candid about this, after he paused long enough to realize, and write, “War is a Racket”:

“I suspected I was just part of a racket at the time. Now I am sure of it. Like all members of the military profession I never had an original thought until I left the service. My mental faculties remained in suspended animation while I obeyed the orders of the higher- ups. …”



  1. As a marine. I find it embarrassing how this guy acted. Who the HELL does he think he is?? PRESIDENT?? It's not just him. You have Kelly and Flynn as well. Just showed how entitled these individuals thought they were regardless of military service. No wonder people say the military has become another welfare assistance program. LOWERING STANDARD'S.

  2. I just watched the PRESIDENT and First lady in Iraq. When the PRESIDENT walked in. NOBODY MOVED. WTF. They began to stand once told too. WTF. Now I beginning to understand why mad dog and Kelly act like they did. No military bearing!!

  3. Just like in schools.............no respect for anyone or anything. Never taught anything at home or in school.


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