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Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Krakatoa Alert: Another Eruption Could Potentially Kill Millions And Significantly Lower Global Temperatures For 5 Years

The shell of our planet has been cracked

Because most Americans are so focused on preparations for Christmas, not a lot of attention is being paid to the massive disaster that just took place in Indonesia, and that is a huge mistake.

Anak Krakatoa has sprung to life, and there is a reason why it is known as one of the most dangerous volcanoes on the entire planet. When Krakatoa erupted on August 27th, 1883 the explosion was so loud that it was literally heard 3,000 miles away, and it was estimated that the tsunami waves were over 100 feet tall in some places. If such an eruption happened today, it would be an even worse disaster than the 2004 Indonesian tsunami which killed more than 200,000 people globally. We are talking about an event that would instantly alter all of our lives for reasons that I will share below.

So the fact that this mountain of fire has come alive is a really big deal. The following comes from the Daily Mail


  1. Google "The year without a summer" and you may change your mind about this "global warming" crap...

  2. Just when Global Warming was going so well...

    If we pay more tax will it fix the volcano?

  3. I once heard that if the earth was the size of an egg, the crust (solid non-magma part) would be thinner than an egg shell. Pretty scary to think about.

  4. God created the heavens and the earth and all that dwells therein...not going to worry about it. Trusting God for my future; whatever it is.

  5. President Trump will be to blame, just wait for it.

  6. "The Meteorology and Geophysics agency also said tidal waves may have been strengthened by the full moon." New moon, half moon, full moon. Makes no difference. The amount of Sun shining on the moon does not affect the Earth in any way. I guess Guam will flip over too, if all the people go to one side of the island.


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