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Sunday, December 02, 2018

President Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping agree to temporary trade war ceasefire at dinner summit

President Trump and Chinese leader Xi Jinping reached an agreement on trade Saturday night, the White House press secretary said, that amounts to a temporary stand-down in the two countries' trade war.

At the leaders' highly anticipated dinner summit in Buenos Aires, Trump agreed to hold off on raising tariffs imposed on Chinese imports, and China agreed to purchase an as-yet-unspecified "very substantial" amount of U.S. products to reduce the trade deficit. With those concessions made, the two sides will allow 90 days for broader negotiations over Chinese trade practices before the U.S. resumes ramping up retaliatory measures.

“This was an amazing and productive meeting with unlimited possibilities for both the United States and China," Trump said in a statement provided by the White House. "It is my great honor to be working with President Xi.”



  1. Bargaining is what it's all about.

  2. Allow the Prez to do his job DEMS....it is working (maybe not according to your script) well and I'm sorry you don't like it.

    Make AMERICA (not Dems) Great Again!


  3. I do trust President Trump. I truly believe he is always one step ahead of us all.

  4. The naivety here is truly disturbing.
    Are you guys serious?

  5. 559PM, yep working great. Just look at how that trade deficit with china has shrank......oh wait, it didn't happen that way. Except for in the minds of you folks caught in the middle of Trump Fantasy Land.


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