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Sunday, December 02, 2018

Democrats elected Elijah Cummings wife as their State Party Chair

Following a tense Saturday morning balloting session, Maryland Democrats elected a new party leader, Maya Rockeymoore Cummings — rebuking the favorite of the party establishment, Kathleen Matthews, who had served as chairwoman for the past two years and who oversaw a 2018 coordinated campaign that delivered for down-ballot candidates but left the governorship in Republican hands.

The vote, taken at a union hall in Lanham, was 438-319.

Cummings campaigned for the post noting dissatisfaction with the outcome of the gubernatorial race ­― Republicans have now won three of the last five in the state ― and a promise to bring more inclusiveness to the state party organization. She pledged to create a state party platform and a permanent candidate academy.

Cummings also committed to dedicate resources to rural areas, to rebuild the party there, including to subsidize year-round organizers, host quarterly town halls and run a Democrat in every race.



  1. We all knew that May-December coupling to be nothing but a political event. When politics are cause for marriage, something is wrong.

  2. She's being positioned to take Cummings' place in Congress.

  3. Glad I'm out of MD. This vote should be scary to Republicans.

  4. Haven't the Democrats done enough to ruin this state ?

  5. We sure have some winner's at the government trough. Local, county, state, and federal.

    Trump/Pence 2020!

  6. Ding bats and dimwits.

  7. Cummings will never has come to rural areas so little I cannot remember the last time. He only goes to places he is praised in. He will never come on the Shore and hold Town hall meetings because he can't answer the hard questions, just like Obama. The only places he is welcome in MD is in the ghettos with the gangs and drug dealers.

    1. Cummings represents Baltimore not the whole state dum dum

  8. 10:31 AM--- Like the Clintons? Definitely!

  9. I wonder if she is racist to?

  10. 1:25 PM - The resources he will commit to rural Maryland are those that increase the numbers of Dem voters, no matter what the method. This doesn't mean that he will or will promise to even visit those counties, but will instead send his minions to find dead people still registered, illegals who have yet to vote, election officials who can be counted on to lose or gain ballots needed be to make the Dems the winners, young people who don't know any better and think that the Dems are the closest thing to Socialists, etc., etc.

  11. The union hall was rented... for $1.

    There's where your dues are going, folks, to blindly supporting Democrats even before you get to the voting booth.

  12. They don't care about the citizens just being in power.

  13. Yet the Union members do nothing. Watch their jobs and money go away. Still support democrats. Look at Delaware. Union's voted democrat. GM, CHRYSLER, MBNA and DUPONT. GONE!! THANKS BIDEN.

  14. Makes me I'll to thing of this coming Jan when Dems take over the house. It is only going to make President Trump's job harder if you could imagine that. It will be impeach; resign; hate; investigations - nothing will get done.

  15. Bought my property this weekend in any other state lol
    Can’t wait to move

  16. The views and political BS coming from the democratic
    politicians in Annapolis, do not represent the Patriots
    of the eastern shore of MD. We will prevail...

  17. He makes me ashamed I live in MD


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