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Monday, December 17, 2018

HUGE— Strzok’s Phones Scrubbed AFTER He Was Fired — Page’s Phone Scrubbed and Lost for ENTIRE YEAR before It Was Turned Over

Mueller’s Spcecial Counsel team of 13 angry Democrats scrubbed Peter Strzok’s phone and then turned it over to the Office of Inspector General investigators AFTER Peter Strzok was fired.

Peter Strzok was fired from the Special Counsel after text messages surfaced showing that he had a strong hatred for Donald Trump and his supporters.

Peter Strzok was reassigned in the summer of 2017 to the FBI’s human resource department after his dismissal from the Mueller witch hunt in July 2017.

His lover Lisa Page reportedly resigned from the Special Counsel in May 2017 – two weeks before Strzok was fired.



  1. With soap and water? I don't get it. Vote democrat

  2. Two Sets of Laws.

    Right in our face and they don't give a rat's ace what you or I think about their total disregard for the law that "we, the people" go to PRISON for violating.
    See how the French and Belgians are beginning to react to their own "Two Sets of Laws" situation???
    No one knows what the provocation will be that will instigate a revolution, but Two Sets of Laws has been a prime starter.
    Keep cheering!

  3. Is there not a penalty for destroying evidence in an investigation? Burn their, all involved, ass to the max.

  4. Courtesy of the deep state crew...

  5. none of this surprises me. read up on the hidden dangers of the rainbow and you will understand why & who

  6. Much talk re: 'getting rid of President Trump'; Q says they have it ALL. Too late you idiots...Trust the Plan.

  7. Justice will be done.

  8. When it comes to the people the FBI gives no warning that they are coming for your computer or phones or anything. But when it comes to these people they do. Why is that? They gave Hillary plenty of time to erase her computer and phones, these people had time to erase their phones and computers too, I bet. Protecting each others azz. This is why they are so scared of Trump. He is finding out what is really going on in the government and they are ALL going to pay. So they want to get rid of him as soon as possible. I guess they think they are keeping him to busy to investigate them.


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