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Monday, December 17, 2018

FBI Releases Key Steele Dossier Document

The FBI on Friday released a two-page document that sheds some light on what former FBI Director James Comey briefed to President-Elect Donald Trump and President Obama regarding the infamous Steele dossier.

The document, first reported by Politico, asserts that Christopher Steele, the former British spy who compiled the dossier, was working “on behalf of private clients” in his investigation of Trump’s possible ties to Russia. His dossier contained “highly politically sensitive information,” according to the summary.

Steele, who is not identified by name in the heavily-redacted document, is also described as collecting information “from a layered network of identified and unidentified subsources, some of which has been corroborated in the past.”

Those characterizations are likely to draw the attention of Republicans, many of whom have accused the FBI of relying too heavily on Steele’s unverified reporting in its investigation of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russian government.


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