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Tuesday, November 13, 2018

What Support?


  1. we were dumb enough to put McCain in. This was all about Greater SBY and the revenue cap.

  2. Lol support from jt who is on ANOTHER vacation to get his mind in CK from LOSING.

  3. They didn't want those signs to go to waste.

  4. Well somebody paid for it...

  5. Still riding around town with those signs.

  6. The downtown crowd lives in their own bubble. They had no clue how the rest of the county felt about the election. They need to venture out more.

  7. It makes me sick the lies and deceit that how hand and hand with McCain, Jake Day and especially the biggest snake supporting this Mike Dunn

  8. It makes me sick the lies and deceit that go hand and hand with McCain, Jake Day and especially the biggest snake supporting this Mike Dunn

  9. I'm sure there were curse words slung far and wide around Gillis-Gilkerson and Sperry VaNess offices after the election

  10. ha ha i did not know that booger still had a post thought he quit months ago


    Like you said, what support? That Goober Democrat cleaned house on him. What a freaking loser.

    Hey Mr. Albero, the Salisbury City elections are about a year or less away. Why don't you do a story looking for good Republicans to run against Jake Day, Jack Heath, Muir Boda and Jim Ireton? What do you think? Are you interested?

  12. Anonymous said...
    I'm sure there were curse words slung far and wide around Gillis-Gilkerson and Sperry VaNess offices after the election

    November 14, 2018 at 9:31 AM

    Did anyone else notice the Jim Mathias, Bill McCain, Josh Hastings and Michele Gregory signs on properties with the Sperry Van Ness (SVN) signs all around the county.

    Did you know that Sperry Van Ness doesn't own those properties?
    Did you know that Sperry Van Ness was only the property managers of those properties?
    I wonder what the owners would think if they knew their properties had Democrat/Progressive/Socialist signs all over them?


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