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Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Trump Or Cheney? NYT Asks "Who's The Real American Psycho?"

The NYT's Maureen Dowd appears to have had enough of the hyperbole, hyper-short-memories, and hyped up virtue-signaling from the establishment. Reflecting on Adam McKay's new movie "Vice" with Christian Bale playing Dick Cheney, Dowd gently nudges America back from the edge of the divisive Midterms to remember that much evil has come before...

Donald Trump is running wild - and running scared.

He’s such a menace that it’s tempting to cheer any vituperative critic and grab any handy truncheon.But villainizing Trump should not entail sanitizing other malefactors.

And we should acknowledge that the president is right on one point: For neocons, journalists, authors, political hacks and pundits, there is a financial incentive to demonize the president, not to mention an instant halo effect. Only Trump could get the pussy-hat crowd to fill Times Square to protest Jeff Sessions’s firing.

We make the president the devil spawn and he makes us the enemy of the people and everybody wins. Or do they? To what extent is lucrative Trump hysteria warping our discourse?

Trump may not be sweaty and swarthy, but he makes a good bad guy. As with Nixon and Watergate, the correct moral response and the lavish remunerative rewards neatly dovetail.

Even for Washington, the capital of do-overs and the soulless swamp where horrendous mistakes never prevent you from cashing in and getting another security clearance, this is a repellent spectacle. War criminals-turned-liberal heroes are festooned with book and TV contracts, podcasts and op-ed perches.



  1. NYT laughable at best...

  2. Darth Cheney. The man is so rotten he is battery operated now and keeps on ticking. If only our Vets got such treatment and life extending technology.

  3. Fake news. No one cares. Trump is the MAN!!!


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