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Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Watch What Happens When A Baby That Is Addicted To A Cellphone Has It Taken Away

You have got to watch this video! I have to admit that I was mesmerized when I first starting watching it. This baby appears to be less than a year old, and yet it already throws a massive temper tantrum every time a cellphone is taken away.

But as you will see in the video, all the mother has to do to stop the tantrum is to give the cellphone back to the baby.

If you need a good laugh, this video is perfect for you, but I think that it also contains a much deeper message.

You see, the truth is that our society is just like that little baby. We have become deeply, deeply addicted to the digital world that we have created, and when we are forced to disconnect from that world most of us don’t respond very well.

Many of us are old enough to remember a time when people didn’t carry cellphones around with them everywhere. Instead of constantly looking down at their phones, people actually tried to interact with one another, and the world was a much different place.

But today it seems like everyone has a cellphone, and one study found that the average American spends 86 hours a month on their phone…

According to comScore’s 2017 Cross Platform Future in Focusreport, the average American adult (18+) spends 2 hours, 51 minutes on their smartphone every day.

That’s about 86 hours a month! This might be a record, but growth has certainly flattened out over the last year-and-a-half.



  1. I have a teen son and can't even talk to him that much bc of cellphons they will be the Destruction of this Human Race..... Bring back Payphones.

  2. You will note as you look at this that there are many more videos just like it on the youtube page to the right.

    Think about this when you hand your child a phone. Is this what you really want?

    This creates a full-blown ADDICTION.

  3. I saw a Tantrum like this when a CNN reporter was told to relinquish a microphone at the Whitehouse.

  4. 10:54 something tells me you struggle to have conversations with just about anyone...

  5. Future Snowflakes.

  6. It’s mental slavery digitized

  7. First - that was scary. Secondly the kid eats too much and thirdly let him cry until he can't cry anymore or you are going to have a miserable life.

  8. I know lots of people like that, and they are not babies......at least not in age or size, but mentally, yes.


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