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Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Clinton Cabal Panics Under New Investigation

Will the Clintons and their cronies be brought to justice?

Hillary Clinton and her foundation are facing a Congressional hearing that will bring to light US Attorney John Huber’s investigation into the widespread corruption surrounding the Clinton charity foundation machine.

Now that acting AG Whitaker is manning the DOJ, are Hillary’s days numbered?



  1. Arrest them all and let the court sort them out! This will give the Liberal nut cases something to scream about! He promised us he would lock her up, now do it!

    1. Yes please!! I so want to see these people brought to justice!

  2. She will declare illness so she doesn't have to show up. I think she is really I'll. Mentally yes Physically - definite.

  3. I sure hope so. This is so long overdue. Every old dog has his day.


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