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Friday, November 09, 2018

Trump headed for major confrontation with Democrats over tax returns

Democrats and President Trump are on a collision course over the president’s tax returns, one that could push them into a legal gray area and a high-stakes court battle.

Following their victory in the midterm elections, House Democrats indicated Wednesday that they are prepared to fight for the returns.

Rep. Lloyd Doggett, D-Texas, said on a press call Wednesday that Democrats aim to use the power of the majority to request Trump's taxes immediately. “I think it’s important for our oversight to get those tax returns,” he said.



  1. B.S.! This is not why these bozos were elected. Their campaign promises of healthcare for all was a bald faced lie so they could go after Trump. Okay liberals, this is your party...liars, underhanded, cheats, race baiters...you must be so proud.

  2. So why was everything obama did, ok? He hid his birth certificate and it is still hidden, he has the Social Security number of a dead man, he had his college records hidden,he hid everything that had to do with him. And not a word from those democrats. WHY? But Trump is put under a microscope for anything and everything he says and does. Do they forget that WE the people put him in office? They have no right to go against our votes, our choice for President and do away with him. That should be considered treason against the American people. How the hell can they take out the President the people put in that office and put in whoever they want and think we have to accept it?


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