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Friday, November 09, 2018

Opioid panel discussion at Salisbury University on Nov 14, 2018

Salisbury University, in partnership with the Wicomico County Opioid Intervention Team, will host an opioid panel discussion on Wednesday, November 14, 2018 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. This event will be in Nanticoke Room 236 in the Guerrieri Student Union building on the campus of Salisbury University. A panel of experts will be presenting on the opioid crisis in our community, and those in
attendance will be given the opportunity to ask questions or voice concerns.

The opioid crisis has touched the lives of many in our community. Both students and the public are encouraged to be part of the solution in Wicomico County by participating in this event. Light refreshments will be served.


  1. Wonder if Opiate Olsen will show up for that meeting ???

  2. When are you idiots going to realize you CAN'T stop this. Now your government only approves another opiate 1000 times stronger than the one killing people now


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