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Saturday, November 24, 2018

Trump Doubles Down: Accuses "Obama Judge" Of Risking "Bedlam, Chaos And Death" At Southern Border

While most Americans (aside from soldiers serving on military bases and overseas) were preparing for an afternoon of friends, family and football on Thanksgiving, President Trump decided to double down on his response to SCOTUS Chief Justice John Roberts after an ongoing spat between the two broke out this week when Roberts criticized Trump for calling Judge Jon Tigar of the Ninth Circuit an "Obama Judge". Trump initially lashed out at Tigar after he became the latest Ninth Circuit judge to stymie Trump's immigration policies by ruling against Trump's order to crack down on asylum seekers.

Justice Roberts issued a short statement to the Associated Press on Wednesday after Trump told reporters outside the White House that he would file a "major complaint" against an "Obama judge" (Tigar) who temporarily blocked his administration's order to not honor any asylum claims made outside designed US border crossings.

Roberts said Wednesday the U.S. doesn’t have "Obama judges or Trump judges, Bush judges or Clinton judges." He commented in a statement released by the Supreme Court after a query by The Associated Press.



  1. 9th circuit are TRAITORS to America look at how Englishstan is now.

  2. Mr. President I'm not tired of winning...keep on keeping on.

    Trump/Pence 2020!

  3. Justice Roberts "became" an Obama judge when he declared the ACA a tax but the didn't rule it as illegal as not having been legislated properly as taxes are required to be!

    Add to him, the two Affirmative Action queens (Sotomayor and Kagan), gives us a Supreme Court that is begging for appointees that are bound to the constitution!

    Yes, the Supreme court has been a liberally biased, constitution ignoring, and re-writing legislation organization for far too long!

    Time for Ruthy to call it quits so we ca get this country back to the roots the founding fathers envisioned!


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