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Saturday, November 24, 2018

Donald Trump Mocks Global Warming with Record Cold Temperatures

President Donald Trump ridiculed the environmentalist left on Wednesday by pointing out record cold temperatures.

“Brutal and Extended Cold Blast could shatter ALL RECORDS,” he wrote on Twitter. “Whatever happened to Global Warming?”

Forecasts predicted bitter cold conditions in New York City, with 10-20 degree weather and 15-20 mph winds. Washington, DC is also expected to suffer lower than normal temperatures of 20 degrees.



  1. POTUS is a tool of the banking elite. Here he clearly demonstrates that fact. Mr Trump has access to all of the details of the US Military’s geoengineering program including chemical ice nucleating materials added to the solar radiation management efforts. The temporary regional cool downs are engineered to confuse populations about the obvious weather modification program.

    Time to wake up and educate yourself! The government and all of its puppets are reading from a bad script written in Langley.

  2. Somebody should enlighten our great Leader about the role of ionosphere heaters involved with creating artificial high pressure areas.

    High pressure areas are induced by focusing ELF radio energy into the upper atmosphere (ionosphere). Quite simple technology developed as a by-product of anti-ICBM weaponry. By pushing the ionosphere out into space, an ICBM can be “bounced” off of the atmosphere and deflected from its re-entry into the atmosphere.

  3. How did the environment become political?

  4. If you don’t realize the environment is political then you aren’t paying attention.

    1. Oh yes we are paying attention. It is all about the money. Money for research and more for you. Didn't know there were so many people who spend Governments money to condemn our President. What did Onama accomplish with all his environmental laws. Money for himself. He is now worth 250 million and counting. Where do you think he gets this money - people like you.


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