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Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Top Dem Donors Hosted Director from Group that Registered Dead People to Vote

The left's largest network of wealthy donors tapped an individual for a discussion on "expanding the electorate" at its fall investment conference from a group that was caught submitting fraudulent voter registration forms—including registering dead people to vote—and saw one of its employees go to prison for the crime.

The Democracy Alliance, a dark money donor club that consists of more than 100 millionaires and billionaires who each vow to pour hundreds of thousands of dollars into the coffers of progressive groups every year, held its fall investment conference last Thursday and Friday at the Capital Hilton hotel in Washington, D.C., where donors and progressive activists huddled to begin plotting their upcoming strategy for the 2020 elections.

Among the events was a strategy briefing on "expanding the electorate," according to documents obtained on site by the Washington Free Beacon.

DaMareo Cooper, director of the Ohio Organizing Collaborative, a progressive nonprofit that works on direct advocacy and engaging voters throughout the state of Ohio, sat on the panel alongside representatives from the New Florida Majority, Center for Community Change Action, and Service Employees International Union (SEIU).

The Ohio Organizing Collaborative raised red flags in 2015 after the vice-chairman of a local board of elections in Ohio began noticing frequent problems with registrations submitted by the group, the Washington Free Beacon previously reported.

"They have turned in roughly 530 voter registrations, of which five of them were dead people," the vice-chairman said at the time. "They actually had the dead people's drivers license numbers and Social Security numbers, and of course they forged the signatures of these dead people."


1 comment:

  1. A democrat description , Matthew 7 : 18-24


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