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Tuesday, November 20, 2018

China ‘has taken the gloves off’ in its thefts of U.S. technology

It was the great microchip heist — a stunning Chinese-backed effort that pilfered as much as $8.75 billion in patented American technology.

U.S. officials say the theft took a year to pull off and involved commercial spies, a Chinese-backed company, a Taiwanese chipmaker and employees affiliated with Micron Technology, a U.S.-based microchip behemoth.

Yet what Micron called “one of the boldest schemes of commercial espionage in recent times” is most notable because it’s not unusual.

Beijing over the last two years has significantly ramped up its swiping of commercial technology and intellectual property, from jet engines to genetically modified rice, as U.S. relations with China have grown more acrimonious under President Trump, according to U.S. officials and security experts.

“They want technology by hook or by crook. They want it now. The spy game has always been a gentleman’s game, but China has taken the gloves off,” said John Bennett, the special agent in charge of the FBI’s San Francisco office, which battles economic spies targeting Silicon Valley.

“They don’t care if they get caught or if people go to jail. As long as it justifies their ends, they are not going to stop.”



  1. They don’t care if they get caught or if people go to jail. As long as it justifies their ends, they are not going to stop.”
    Sort of like the Democratic party, isn't it.

  2. 1:57 more like President Trump siding with Saudi Arabia actually.

    1. 2:05- Nothing like that, actually. You're implying Trump is a criminal. Bad, Troll, bad!

  3. Siding. Do you really know what you are talking about. So a supposedly "America" is murdered by Saudi Arabia Prince. That "American" was one of them that knew too much and wanted out.So the United States is suppose to place sanctions on Saudi and cancel billions of dollars on US/Saudi contract. We are suppose to cut off our nose to spite our face. Think how many jobs this contract would generate. I don't wish death like that on any one but was he really an American? Is it really our business. It wasn't when he was the Prince's confident. Good just President Trump. America first.


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