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Monday, November 19, 2018

So, Who Are the Real Fascists?

Who wants massive government control of every important facet of your life? Who wants more control over the 'free enterprise' system, free healthcare, limits on free speech, gun confiscation, UN interference? Who is aligned with the masked and violen
So, Who Are the Real Fascists?
When a political party in the United States no longer believes in the ideals in which their nation was founded, when a political party expresses dissatisfaction with its nation’s Constitution, when a political party pushes Socialism (a system of government that has never been successful in history), when a political party ignores its own immigration laws to allow millions of migrants illegal entry hoping to create more party members and to destroy the culture of the host country, one of two things is happening. Either that party wants to create a new country from the top down or they are only interested in power. In this case, it is both.

People who think for themselves, ignore their Marxist teachers and the media

A common definition of Fascism is: “An authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.” Wrong! Those who have been indoctrinated will believe that definition. People who think for themselves, ignore their Marxist teachers and the media, will come to the conclusion that fascism is neither inherently left or right wing.

A fascist wants a merger of government and commercial enterprise with the government in total control. The government owns the means of production or colludes heavily with major corporations to impose government control. Fascism is national socialism. All socialism is a left-wing phenomenon.



  1. It's an old and well worn tool to call opponents the names that the name callers rightly deserve.

  2. The fascination with socialism that has risen during this election season I believe comes in part from a lack of understanding of how it really works within a society. Considering the impact of different forms of government, it's important to understand the fundamental issues of ownership and responsibility — and this is something that the Bible addresses directly.

    I'm not a fan of socialism or communism — and neither is the Bible.

    Throughout the scripture, from the first pages of Genesis, God gives men and women resources for their use — for their good and the good of others.

    1 Timothy 5:8 says, "Anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever."

    The responsibility was given to the individual, not delegated to the government.

    Under capitalism, people own their property and businesses and are mostly free to use them as they see fit. But in today's politically correct environment a person's use of his or her own property is often mocked as selfish or greedy. Sadly, too many educators today undermine the confidence of our young people in our country's economic systems, insinuating that freedom to use the property isn't "fair" to those without.

    Under socialism, people have limited ownership of property and businesses, which must operate under government control and regulation, and the government determines how all profits and property can be used. People who embrace the use of governmental power to suit their own social ends argue that this can create a kinder, gentler society as government decides who gets what, all in the name of helping the less fortunate. This assumes that good-hearted people, i.e. the government, are seizing the assets of less worthy people to give to the more deserving. And it matters WHO gets to decide the definition of "deserving." It sets up a system in which the government picks winners and losers, sometimes to gain the favor of voters.

    Under communism, there is no veneer of personal ownership. The government owns and controls the property and the people exist as workers for the state, which controls all of their lives without pretense. In truth, it is the political leadership who control the power and property, and there is little access to opportunity for most people.

    But in the Bible, God clearly gives resources to people and then holds them accountable for their use of it (their stewardship).

    Socialism insinuates that the person who works is not deserving of the reward and breeds resentment against those who have success and it also weakens the connection between work and reward. Fundamentally, it violates the 10th commandment, "thou shalt not covet," by encouraging people to look at what others have, deciding what should be taken away. But to build lasting wealth and resources, labor is required.

    As Christians, we are called to work to the best of our ability, to care for our families and those in need around us. Our work is one way that we communicate to the world around us what a life submitted to Christ can be. We want to honor God with our efforts.

    Colossians 3:23 puts it well: "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters."

  3. I have been saying all along that the true fascists are the "democrat-progressives-socialists-anarchists. Their leader learned as a Nazi youth member and later as a commie. They are playing the long game.


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