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Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Research From Latest US Climate Report Tied to 2 Major Democratic Donors

It’s been repeated throughout the media that global warming could wipe out one-tenth of the U.S. economy by 2100. Now it’s a top-line finding of a major government climate report, but based on a study funded by groups affiliated with two major Democratic donors.

The oft-repeated claim also stemmed from a global warming projection that’s come under increased scrutiny from experts, including one who called it “outlandish.”

The federal government released the second volume of the National Climate Assessment, or NCA, on Friday. The federal report issued dire warnings, including from “ice sheet disintegration on accelerated sea level rise, leading to widespread effects on coastal development lasting thousands of years.”

The report also claims that “global greenhouse gas emissions is expected to cause substantial net damage to the U.S. economy throughout this century,” including a 10 percent hit to the nation’s gross domestic product in one extreme scenario.

However, NCA’s dire prediction of a 10 percent hit to the GDP comes from a 2017 study supported by the charitable foundations founded by major Democratic donors.

More here


  1. Oh here we go. Don't have the mental chops to debate the science. Then just smear smear smear. Or do like POTUS. Never read or research it, stick your fingers in your ears and state "It's all fake, I can't hear you, nannie nannie boo boo".

  2. oh 12;03 kinda like what the democrats do when they hear the real TRUTH!!! nothing but lies deception from the luciferian left/democrats.

    so im am rubber you are glue whatever ever you say bounces of of me and sticks to you..


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