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Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Report: Jerome Corsi Plans to Sue Mueller

Former Infowars D.C. bureau chief Jerome Corsi will reject a plea agreement offered by the special counsel and fire back with a criminal complaint, accusing Robert Mueller of “Gestapo” tactics in attempting to pressure the author into pleading guilty to one count of perjury.

“They can put me in prison the rest of my life. I am not going to sign a lie,” Corsi said in a brief telephone call with CNN. Asked what Mueller office will do next if he does not agree to the plea deal, Corsi replied, “I don’t know.”

Instead of accepting a plea deal, OAN’s Emerald Robinson reports Corsi will file a criminal complaint against Mueller with acting Attorney General Mathew Whitaker.



  1. Good luck with that. I'm reminded of the old saying; if you're in a hole, stop digging.

    1. What if he is not in the whole? What it he is totally innocent? and is being railroaded by a government agent. You're flippant remarks you may soon regret in the future if something like this happens to you.

  2. hope you all know this mueller scum bags background.a goon for the UN globalist who wish The USA to be no more


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