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Sunday, November 18, 2018

Razor wire now covers border wall where 'vanguard' of migrant caravan taunted U.S.

Hours after images of migrants climbing a border wall in San Diego went viral, the Homeland Security Department deployed razor wire Wednesday to prevent a repeat.

The immigrants, who said they were the vanguard of the caravans streaming north through Mexico, ascended the fence Tuesday in a display of defiance. Video and photos showed them cheering and jeering atop the slat-style fence.

Although no arrests or confrontations were reported, Homeland Security took immediate steps to try to keep others from climbing by deploying concertina wire, which coils over itself, creating a thorough barrier.

“As we have said repeatedly, being a member of a caravan doesn’t give you any special rights to enter the country,” said Katie Waldman, Homeland Security spokeswoman.

Homeland Security released photos that show the concertina wire at the top and base of the fence on the U.S. side, as well as a second layer on the sandy beach further inside the U.S.



  1. That means a lot of Band-Aids may be needed.

  2. Good move, now we need another 1200 miles of it.

  3. Half of this country was theirs first. I live in Baltimore and I frequent monument in the east (the wire), there is mixture of African Americans and Spanish immigrants and the Spanish all work, dress nicely, behave friendly and look like normal families that are trying to make it.

    They take jobs that our own don't want and revive residences in neighborhoods that we have forgotten about. I have even spent time with ms13 and they are just normal kids that are products of their environment. Give them an opportunity and let them flourish in our "free" and capitalistic society.

    How about we welcome them with open arms and represent what this country truly stands for? I am Irish and at one point my people were treated the same as our society is treating the Spanish immigrants. I'm not a liberal, not a conservative, etc. I am a human. You hit the nail on the head, 30+ don't care about political association/parties. We are just tired of being lied to. I will follow in my ancestors footsteps and help the poor of the city.

    John Nelson McJilton

    1. How many live in your home ? HYPOCRITE don't push ur bs agenda on me.

    2. Regarding (They take jobs that our own don’t want). That is a bunch of crap. Although much of the blame goes to the companies that hire them, they infiltrate many trades. Examples include construction, landscaping, and manufacturing. Plus they get handouts from govt.

    3. Yes John, you are a liberal. You can't think through the facts. The Irish and many other immigrants of the past came here legally. Legal is the operative word in this equation. Think about it John. If you can.

  4. US residents are already complaining about refugees crossing their property about 5 miles north of the border.

  5. 8:07 AM -

    There's a process in place for that.

  6. Razor wire should be on all US borders, until each is declared safe, no threat or harm to anyone, no arrests in this country or in country of origin they should not come into this country the law should be held firm.

  7. My ancestors came to America when it was nothing. They worked hard to establish America. They worked in coal mines and steel Mills and we're proud of it. Today immigrants just want what our ancestors worked hard to get. They want free every thing to include freedom to complain about America. Mexico offered citizenship to caravan immigrants and they turned it down. Why? Because Mexico doesn't give out free stuff. If these immigrants want to be US citizens than they need to do it by the land of law. Remember our ancestors made those laws.

    1. Great answer. I could only pray that others understand what you posted.

    2. How do you really know what they want? Curious what your source of data is.

    3. I am not 12:38 but the illegals already here are the proof. That supports the source of data History repeating itself. Glad I could be of help.

  8. lets run some electric power in that wire

  9. Should be three rows out. Great job. Property owners put up NO TRESSPASSING signs and then do what they have to do by any means to keep them off their property

  10. I am concerned they will cross the wire with ease. They are on a mission, and it's not to better themselves. They will be in your hood maiming and humiliating.

  11. A lot of wasted money. A piece of old carpet, and they are in.


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