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Sunday, November 18, 2018

Michelle Obama says she stopped ‘trying to smile’ during 'misogynist' Trump’s inauguration

Michele Obama, the former first lady, said in an interview that aired Sunday that she "stopped even trying to smile" during President Trump inauguration and wondered in her new book why so many women rejected "an exceptionally qualified female candidate and instead choose a misogynist as their president."

Obama spoke with ABC News in a wide-ranging interview.

She recalled in her book, "Becoming," watching her husband step aside for Trump on Jan. 20, 2017.

She wrote in the book that "the vibrant diversity of the two previous inaugurations was gone…Someone from Barack’s administration might have said that the optics were bad—that what the public saw didn’t reflect the president’s reality or ideals. But in this case, maybe it did. Realizing it, I made my own optic adjustment. I stopped even trying to smile."

In her memoir, "Becoming," Obama reportedly derides the so-called "birther" conspiracy as thinly-veiled racism.

"The whole thing was crazy and mean-spirited, of course, its underlying bigotry and xenophobia hardly concealed," reads an excerpt, according to the report. 'But it was also dangerous, deliberately meant to stir up the wingnuts and kooks."




  1. I don’t care. Do u?

  2. The worse lack of manners I have ever seen. They had their 8 years and it was time for them to be gracious and move on like decent people. No, it was not to be. Obama wanted to continue on with a 3rd term with Hillary as a puppet. Someone once told me you are not remembered for your words but by your actions. We all certainly remember how poorly the Obama's acted. It was very disgusting and unAmerican to be so rude to the Trump's on the change of command. Obama's should be ashamed. No class. None. Especially by Michelle. Her ugly personally really shown through.

  3. She was 30 pounds heavier when she left the White House than when she went in.Do you think she was following the school diet that she was pushing?

  4. blah blah blah. she got storytelling tips from Killary.

  5. michele, your the one who is blind deaf dumb and stupid. you were not my first lady nor your otherhalf my president..your followers are the real wingnuts wackoos and kooks

    1. Reread your statement and tell us who the real wackoo is. LOL. I guess you ran to Canada for 8 years.

  6. Michelle is stirring up the wingnuts and kooks of the Democrats. She is stilling not explaining why Obama never admitted he was a US citizen after he wrote in his books he gave up his citizenship when he attended Indonesian school. When he could not have dual citizenship to attend the Indonesian school. She did not explain how he received and put through college with money he applied for and received as a foreign student. Must I go on.

  7. She still looks like something from a movie about a future world that is run by Simians.

  8. Trump is 10x the man your husband was and he is making America great again even for the haters.

  9. We really dont care what Michael has to say, her opinion is irrelevant.

  10. Mike needs to take her husband home to Kenya! Leave us alone - we don't want to hear from you any more!

  11. Trump is 10x the man you and your husband are or will ever be

  12. Zero class.
    All I'll remember of her legacy are those horrid healthy lunches that were discontinued - at great cost - due to the majority of the meals being thrown away by the students.
    That, and how "beautiful her arms were", as the Liberal media gushed when she wore a sleeveless dress.
    That's about it.

  13. Hey Mike hit ur Traitor husband upside the head with ur bs book.

  14. Biggggggggggg Mike!

  15. They both need to retire to Kenya or anywhere as long as it's not in this country. Her book will be a flop not a true word spoken on her interview and their is another one Sunday with Oprah. She has proved she is no lady by what she has written she is the only first lady who has disgraced herself by putting down a president of this country. She is trash and will be remembered for this book not in the way she expects. I'd like to see a real interview with Bill O'OReilly, Tucker Carlson or Hannity Fox News could put a chink in her armor.

  16. Michelle Obama is a classless tool of the Communists behind her...They use her and her racial bigotry and when they get what they want she'll be discarded.

  17. She was, and continues to be, a disgusting former first lady. She is the most classless, tasteless first lady in America's history.

  18. Why can't people just ignore this RACIST??? Just another publicity hound. Pun intended.

  19. No need to smile Michelle, your smile and lies prove who you really are. I hope your book sells two copies only one to you and the fake ex-president your married to.


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