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Monday, November 26, 2018

Police hunt man who 'punched a female store clerk in the face' after his bank card was declined

Police in Ohio are searching for a man who they say punched a store clerk in the face after his card was declined.

Surveillance footage has been released showing the man approaching the woman who was talking to another customer at Tom's Drive-Thru store in North College Hill, near Cincinnati.

The incident happened on Tuesday just before 6 p.m.



  1. Do you think he'll be coming here?

  2. Shut down the entire city, and stop all traffic and search every house and car... I mean you do it for someone who "HURTS" a cop so why not for us??? Oh that is right, becasue there are 2 sets of laws, and cops are not here to help you or protect you, just to put you in jail or make money off of you...

  3. When are white people going to wake up to these kind of actions

  4. 11:37....another citizen seeing the light of truth.

    From confiscation of money from innocent and uncharged citizens (robbery by men with badges and the authority to KILL YOU for resisting the robbery) to SWAT team raids on people at 5 in the morning to TAKE legally owned property --- without any trial or charges!! --- you cheerleaders better wake up soon.
    Another few years and you will be paying for a "permit" to write a mean letter to the editor.
    Cheer on.


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