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Monday, November 26, 2018

Anybody hearing about just how far left the caravan organizers are?

To hear the news report it, the migrant caravan is just a spontaneous uprising of women and children fleeing Honduran gangs, and the issue is one of Mexico and the U.S. diplomacy finding a way to accommodate them.

What's lost is just how hard, hard, left the organizers of what has become this humanitarian disaster are. Even the leftist liberation-theology-oriented rifles-and-cassocks crowd are is getting concerned. Their agenda is hard-left, pro-Chavista, and drawing the fringiest leftwing groups. It's not a humanitarian mission in the slightest to them, it's a by-any-means-necessary political mission. A look at the caravan organizers and their allies shows that's it's all about confronting the U.S. The moms-and-kids are window dressing.

Take a look at what Puebla Sin Fronteras has on its website, in announcing a border protest today:


  1. If I just hiked a thousand miles, I would look like crap. No, worse than that.
    Have you seen how good some of these people look? Hair washed, makeup, legs shaved, clean clothes. Where are they getting all the niceties.
    They even have cell phones. Where are they getting them charged?

  2. Thank this movement to Soros and the anarchist UN for sponsoring this US invasion.


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