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Saturday, November 03, 2018

New Law in New Jersey Allows Cory Booker to Run for President and Senate Simultaneously

Let there be no doubt: U.S. Sen. Cory Booker can run for president and Senate at the same time.

Gov. Phil Murphy on Thursday signed a bill — unofficially dubbed “Cory’s Law” — that would clarify that a U.S. senator or member of the U.S. House from New Jersey can appear on the primary and general election ballots for those offices as well as for the presidency.

Booker, a Democrat and New Jersey’s junior senator, is widely expected to run for president in 2020, the same year he’s up for reelection for a second full six-year term in the Senate. In recent weeks, he’s visited Iowa and New Hampshire — which have the first presidential nominating contests in the nation — ostensibly to help out other candidates.

Booker, however, has acknowledged that he’s considering running for president.



  1. Did those slimy, self-serving low life's, who would look best hanging from a rope in a bloody mess, ALSO allow him to collect (at OUR expense) a PAYCHECK while he spends his time running around the country (and running from his constituents and the problems he created for them) LOOKING FOR ANOTHER slimeball position at the public trough???
    If one is looking for another job, not doing the one he is PAID to do,and still going to the bank to get his paycheck, how is that NOT an integrity issue , and a HUGE one?
    To me, it is STEALING.
    To them, it's legal. Guess who made it legal?
    Start the revolution and begin doing what Jefferson told us to do with these chump thieves and power crazy idiots.

  2. New Jersey is so corrupt. Won't matter though. Booker doesn't stand a chance. He is a cheaper version of Obama and won't make it thru the court of public opinion. Too many skeltons in his closet.


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