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Saturday, November 03, 2018

Maxine Waters, Schiff among high-profile Dems poised to control committees if House flips

A hard-charging New York congressman who forced his way into a federal immigration detention facility.

An intensely private Baltimore representative who says he just wants to cut through the "unnecessary BS" and get to "the facts."

A take-no-prisoners Los Angeles Democrat who has called on supporters to "push back" on Trump administration officials in public -- as many progressive activists took to restaurants and university events to do just that.

They're all part of the cast of prominent and lesser-known Democrats who have spent the past two years openly sparring with President Trump, and who are now poised to assume control of key committees if Republicans lose control of the House of Representatives in Tuesday's midterm elections.

Trump, for his part, has vowed to fight back, saying in an interview with The Washington Times that House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif, was breaking the law by threatening last week that Democrats would use subpoena power as a "negotiating" tool. As Pelosi eyes reclaiming the speakership if her party takes power, numerous ranking members are lining up for influential jobs below her.



  1. Out of all the Dems these 3 will be put into power - that's all they have??? Is it that these positions are powerful but are low key and no up and coming Dem wants it! Both women are in their late 80s and 90s. Nothing against their age but Isn't time to move on before demantia sets in or forgetfulness. Is desire for power and control that strong. Democrats are you really serious. Waters! I'm republican conservative and I'm worried about our Country. These 3 individuals will destroy our America. It has been proven that America can function very well with a non-polotician - can't the Dems find a civilian to run for office. Someone with intelligence, runs a multi-billion dollar business - not someone who just wants votes and to milk the country. I'm happy with President Trump. He is fulfilling on all his promises. Great man.
    Why would the Dems and Media not want to help make America great. After 8 years they could do the same but with Dems their motives are different - it is power at any costs. I as a American citizen born in the Penna mine country and worked hard, paid my taxes, excellent credit rating and no one in politics notices, Those in power who pay no taxes, rips the Govt of funds, accepts bribes, misuse Govt funds are rewarded with high Government positions. Some with very low IQs.(Waters). If she thinks her life as a Black woman is hard try being a coal miner going under ground every day and not know if you will come up again. All done to support your family. No hand outs. Just hard work. Dems wake up. Stop resisting. Start rebuilding this country not tearing it down. Remember Kennedy's words. "Ask what you can do for your country, not what your country can do for you." We haven't been doing that.
    President Trump is good for this country, let's support him. Give him a chance. What do we have to lose? To some very old Dems that's what! Who think nothing of takng your hard earned taxpayer money and spend it on a very expressive daughters weding (Hillary). Gillium lying to Florida that every thing will be oksy veven when he rob's Meicare to suposup lazy Americans. We know who they are. God please bless America.

  2. Thanks you 3:21
    I'm with you all the way
    I started with nothing and worked my way to where I am today and never asked for anything and living a pretty good life
    I'm 60 now and pretty disgusted with government and politicians
    Wake up people and use your brain and think for yourself before you vote


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