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Thursday, November 15, 2018

Mueller Grand Jury Witness Accuses Clinton-Linked Prosecutor Of Conflict Of Interest

An attorney who appeared as a witness before the Mueller grand jury is accusing the special counsel’s office of a conflict of interest because one of the prosecutors involved in the special counsel’s case has worked for Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation.

The prosecutor, Jeannie Rhee, has questioned witnesses about Roger Stone, the Trump confidant who is one of the targets of the investigation, numerous sources tell The Daily Caller News Foundation. Rhee questioned Tyler Nixon, an attorney for Stone, just before his grand jury appearance on Nov. 2.

“[Rhee’s involvement] was not disclosed to me prior to my testimony, and I find this to be deeply troubling and certainly Ms. Rhee should be recused or removed from the investigation,” Nixon told TheDCNF.

Recusals related to special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe became an issue after the appointment of Matthew Whitaker as acting attorney general on Nov. 7.


1 comment:

  1. Mueller should never had been appointed and when he was he should have recused himself, since He was head of the FBI during the Democrats and Hillary's dirty deeds began. All of his decisions should be nullified and the ones harmed should be reimbursed by Mueller himself in total.


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