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Thursday, November 15, 2018

Florida Democrats Urged Voters to Submit Absentee Ballots After Election Day Using Altered Forms

Florida Democrats urged voters to submit absentee ballots after Election Day, using an official form that had been altered to make it look like they were doing so within the legal deadline, hoping a judge would later allow the votes.

That attempt to add Democrat votes, which critics say is possible election fraud, was reported Thursday morning by Ana Ceballos of the Naples Daily News, who notes the scheme has already been reported to federal prosecutors.

Ceballos reported:

A day after Florida’s election left top state races too close to call, a Democrat party leader directed staffers and volunteers to share altered election forms with voters to fix signature problems on absentee ballots after the state’s deadline.

The altered forms surfaced in Broward, Santa Rosa, Citrus and Okaloosa counties and were reported to federal prosecutors to review for possible election fraud as Florida counties complete a required recount in three top races.

But an email obtained by the USA TODAY NETWORK-Florida shows that Florida Democrats were organizing a broader statewide effort beyond those counties to give voters the altered forms to fix improper absentee ballots after the Nov. 5 deadline. Democrat party leaders provided staffers with copies of a form, known as a “cure affidavit,” that had been modified to include an inaccurate Nov. 8 deadline.

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  1. Joe
    AHOLES of the town of Dabury are lighting up the Xmas tree tommorow and it's NOT EVEN THANKSGIVING Since when do Athist Snowflakes like fake Day celebrate Xmas.

  2. Really, 249? Do you even know what you're angry about? Can you just shake your clench fist in the air and yell "you kids get off my lawn!" for me, please?


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