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Sunday, November 04, 2018

Love It!


  1. That guy is probably a "know it all" with everything and everyone else in his life. A-hole

    1. I disagree. He is so right. Other stickers that should be added, that is a picture of a stop sign, and circles red,yellow, and green, explaining what they mean. A lot of accidents could be avoided if drivers heed the basic rules of the road. I know someone is going to reply to what I said. By the time drivers read all the stickers, they will cause an accident. So be it.

    2. I beg the differ sir! You are probably the one that needs to be behind this guy more.

  2. There is no such thing as a slow lane. The speed limit is the same in both lanes.

  3. Laugh a little, 6:08AM. His statements are true! You must be one of those annoying drivers who should retire their license too! LOL

  4. Should say,passing lane and do the speed limit lane. Slow it down a little Mario, you'll get there.

  5. 6:08 must be one of those folks he is referring to. Probably can’t make a turn using two lanes either and stay in the same lane

  6. That blinker doesn't entitle you to cut me off, stomp on your brakes and turn into convenience store parking lot.


  7. Actually 6:08 a lot of eastern shore drivers could use some remedial driver's education. Not many understand the concept of accelerating lanes to merge and many do not understand the concept of moving to the left lane to allow a merge.

    1. So true. Or put turn signal on after you are in a turning only lane. I always say. I am stupid I am stupid referring to the driver turning.

  8. 6:08 AM - says the rube going 10mph under the speed limit in the left lane.

  9. 6:08 It's a-holes like you that make people like that put it on his window.
    Look up the words 'inconsiderate' and 'ignorant' and try using them in one sentence.
    Like: "Well, son, the inconsiderate a-hole won't let others pass because he's an ignorant SOB!!"
    There are TWO LANES for a reason. If we were all supposed to drive the same slow speed as you, we could save a lot of asphalt.
    And you think they're bad between Salisbury and Berlin. Heck, no. Virginia and NC have them beat. I always thought Delaware was the worst until i started driving down there.

    1. No it's Florida with the worse drivers. They are called snow birds. Come from all over this country NY and NJ the worse. And the older well you know.

  10. nope probably just tired of dealing with the idiots on the roads!

  11. 6:08...A-hole who rides the passing lane

  12. I like it, nothing more infuriating than a left lane hugger. 6:08 must be one of them.

  13. Let's not forget that "yield" sign! Not many understand this concept. Yield to on coming traffic.."DO NOT" just jamb your car into traffic going 55+mph or merge when you're suppose to yield thinking you're the only one on road. I see it all the time...smh!

    1. Let's not forget U turns. Always pull in your lane no matter what and drive so slow you have to go around them. They must feel I am out on the road again so I am safe.

  14. There are many signs on Maryland highways stating "slow traffic keep to the right". 6:49 apparently is unable to read road sighs.

  15. @ October 29, 2018 at 8:10 AM. Not everyone can move to the left lane if there are vehicles in that lane, ok? Plus no one HAS to move over for you. It's up to you, the driver to move over safely. I can't do my driving and someone else's too. Man, some people.

  16. @ October 29, 2018 at 10:33 AM. And just where are the signs that say, Passing Lane Only"? Rt 50 was made a 4 lane highway to handle the traffic, not to have a passing lane, fool. Speed limit is the SAME in BOTH lanes. Deal with it, Mr. impatient.

  17. @ October 29, 2018 at 11:12 AM. So, you think you have more right to be in the lane than anyone else? If you can drive in it so can I. And I do.


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