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Sunday, November 04, 2018

A Viewer Writes: Early Voting


People talk about voter fraud and I never paid it any attention until today.
This is my first time voting in the State of Maryland and they neither asked for my voter’s card or ID. They only asked for name, address and month and day of birth.

I voted at the Civic Center and wonder when will this area catch up with the times? We can’t afford computers? Do you really need to visit four stations in order to finally record your vote?

Even without computers this process could have been easily streamlined especially since they don’t look at your identification.

Just my thoughts on the local voting process.


An avid reader


  1. Here in Florida, we show our photo ID’s. They take our drivers license and scan them into their computers

    1. We all know there is no problems with voting in Florida... my buddy Chad Dangling lives there.

    2. I live in Florida and vote by mail. Interesting to.

  2. The democrats pushed for early voting. Republicans were against it. Now it is going to backfire majorly on the democrats. Republicans are coming out in record numbers nationwide to early vote.

  3. The "local" voting process is mandated by the MD State gubmint. The MD State gubmint is dark BLUE. Get it now?

  4. Md voting will always be crooked as long as democrats run things. My dislike for Democrats is slowly growing into hatred.

  5. I originally thought the same thing but I also noticed that they find your name and address on their system since you are registered and mark off that you came in to vote. If you try to vote 3 days later you wouldn’t be able to, I imagine.

  6. Things went fine when I voted there. Glad we are using paper ballots and not "computers".

  7. Did anybody else's ears start ringing when they stepped into that room?

  8. They verified mine the same way even though I personally know and work beside them at my office.
    I think most of the volunteers know most of the people who live in this county and if anything that looked out of place would be questioned.
    I had a good experience there and they were very helpful. Also glad for the paper ballots. Electronic voting has too many problems and can be easily hacked and manipulated.

    1. Not volunteers. Paid and trained election judges.

  9. MD used to ask for Drivers License or some form of ID years ago. Then they stopped it. This liberal sanctuary State does not a verification system because it does not favor the Democrat Socialist. Computers would be more efficient for check ins.

  10. We the people MUST DEMAND voter ID...

  11. The old woman that checked me in actually REFUSED to look at my license and I had to spell my name to her 3 times. I didn't appreciate that I had to announce my name when she could have spelled it correctly by reading my license.

  12. Voter ID will only be required when illegals start to vote for Republicans.

  13. And yet NO ONE talks about the State Voting change to allow same day voting!!! WFT!?!
    No to same day voting!

  14. I told them at early voting I wanted them to check my ID and why weren't they asking for it. It should be a given to provide identification.

  15. I'd like a receipt to show that my votes were properly scanned and reported. Paper or none, it's still a computer and vulnerable to glitches and shenanigans.

  16. Observation! After you put paper ballots in, the computer says thank you, but does not show if your ballot was marked the same as what you actually marked. So, you don't know if it was who you truly voted for or if machine changed it.

  17. Good point that is very dangerous to allow someday voting registration. Totally opens up opportunity for fraud. I voted against it. I hope there is more press about that and charter amendments before Election Day.

  18. Do not want computers-too easy to hack.

  19. Soros owns the company that makes the electronic voting machines so be careful what you wish for folks.

  20. This voting system is the best. You do not want it completely computerized. You want the paper trail in case there are questions. If it were completely computerized with no paper trail the fraud would be rampant. Having to visit 4 stations is a safe guard.

  21. Letter to the Editor

    Do you know how many of the Automatic Fire Alarms that the Salisbury Fire Department are dispatched to are actual fires? NONE! Not one automatic fire alarm has been a true emergency. That's why they call them "False Alarms." These calls should be prioritized and none of them should get a fire truck responding with lights and sirens.

    Do you know how many car accidents the Salisbury Fire Department responds to are actual true emergencies needing a fire truck and an ambulance? Less than 5 are dispatched as an MVC and really needs a paid fire crew. Rarely does an MVC require a fire truck or an ambulance? Most of the patients can walk to the ambulance or drive by personal vehicle.

    What the Salisbury Fire Department is doing now is sending a Fire Truck, a Ladder Truck, an Assistant Chief and sometimes a Deputy Chief. What a Freaking waste of tax dollars and resources.

    The Salisbury Fire Department ran off the Volunteers and all 3 stations and now they are trying to justify the jobs of the paid firefighters. Most all car accidents or "MVC's" do not need a fire truck and only an ambulance for minor injuries. There is rarely entrapment or a fire so a fire truck is not needed. Now the Salsbury Fire Department is self-dispatching a second fire engine or ladder truck and an Assistant Chief on all car accidents on the Salisbury Bypass. They will count the number of fire engine responses, the ladder truck responses and the Assistant Chief responses and then they with meet with the Mare and County Executive and lie about needing more manpower and money from the county because of the added up total of responses. They will "renegotiate" the Fire Service Agreement and try to justify getting more money to pay for the 12 paid firemen they are getting with the Grant Money.

    Mark my word and you will see.

    Think about this. The Salisbury Fire Department and the Mare and City Council hire 24 paid firemen in less than 5 years to respond on all those fake fire alarms and BS car accidents that do not need a fire truck.

    Why did the City hire 24 paid firemen and never advertised for paid Paramedics. One thing for sure is the ambulance needs staffing, but the City of Salisbury hasn't hired paramedics in many years. You can justify paid paramedics but you can't justify paid firemen. Twenty four paid firemen and no paid paramedics. Yeah, don't feed us this bullsh!t that they are all "cross-trained" because they are not and the need is for more paid paramedics, not paid firemen.

    Do you think the Salisbury Police Department increased police officers by 24? NO! The last time I heard they were down police officers and crime is skyrocketing and out of control.

    So when you go to the Polls on Tuesday to vote you need to keep in mind that Jack Heath voted twice to increase the paid firemen but totally neglected the paid paramedics and the Salisbury Police Department where there are always many heart attacks and an enormous amount of crime in this city. Jack Heath failed the citizens of Salisbury and Wicomico County TWICE by not looking out for our safety and quality of life.

    Please vote AGAINST Jack Heath and cast your vote for Bob Culver.

  22. 10:54 what we the people must DEMAND is proof of citizenship.


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