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Saturday, November 03, 2018

Klukowski: How Trump Could Win on Birthright Citizenship

President Donald Trump is considering an executive order restricting birthright citizenship for illegal aliens’ children, which could create a Supreme Court test case that could end that misinterpretation of the Constitution’s Fourteenth Amendment, either through presidential action or through legislation.

The original meaning of the Fourteenth Amendment’s Citizenship Clause promises birthright citizenship to people born on U.S. soil only if they are not citizens of a foreign nation, giving Congress the option of denying citizenship to the children of foreigners. Critics would be wise to hold off criticizing President Trump’s planned executive order focusing on illegal aliens until they see what is in it.

Everyone is suddenly talking about the first clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, which provides, “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.”

Several pivotal moments in American history shine light on the meaning of those words...


  1. President Trump should continue the coarse on illegal immigration / birth right anchor babies / chain migration / lottery immigration. I am tired of paying for them while they just take tax dollars and giving the US nothing in return. Stopping this unlawful law breaking tactics there will be enough to build the wall and never have to touch SSI. That is why the "bullying" Democrats hate his policies, since it will allow the Socialist Democrats to spend our taxes so freely.

  2. That's the magic word, "AND". . . . AND subject to the jurisdiction of the United States. Which they are not when born of people who are in our country ILLEGALLY. It would not make sense to reward someone with citizenship when their parents came here illegally. Get rid of it, Mr. President. Thank you. We are behind you 100%.


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