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Saturday, November 03, 2018

Caravan sues USA-- claims 'violation of Constitutional rights'

A dozen migrants traveling by foot from Honduras to the U.S. to seek asylum filed a class-action lawsuit Thursday against President Trump, the Department of Homeland Security and others, claiming a violation of their due process under the Fifth Amendment.

The Fifth Amendment states that, "no person… shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law."

Twelve Honduran nationals, including six children, are listed as plaintiffs in the lawsuit. The suit, which was filed Thursday in the U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C., said it is widely known that Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador are “undergoing a well-documented human rights crisis.” The lawsuit also claims that the plaintiffs’ right to the Administrative Procedures Act and the Declaratory Judgement Act were being infringed upon.

The lawsuit points to Trump's claim that he will prevent the caravan from entering the U.S. It claims that the president cannot stop asylum-seekers by employing the military -- when they have a fair claim. The suit criticized the president's alleged attempt at stoking "fear and hysteria" by claiming that criminals and gang members have joined the caravan.

The suit cited a Trump interview with Fox News’ Laura Ingraham, where the president laid out plans to build tent cities to house migrants. The suit questioned the functionality of such a project, and asked if these living quarters would qualify under the Flores Agreement of 1997. The agreement protects asylum-seekers’ rights and limits how long minors can be held.




  1. They are not govern by the Constitution. They have no rights.

  2. Under international law if you are seeking asylum you do so at the first country you come to, point 1.
    Point 2 you a were offered asylum in Mexico and refused it, since when does one have the right to pick and chose your asylum country and they have to take you. Point 3 if you are in another country you are NOT protected by any of Americas laws, civil rights, the U.S. Constitution or Acts of the U.S. Point 4 you are not guaranteed asylum just because you ask for it. This lawsuit has no grounds but because they have added children they are trying to prey on sympathy ... 'it's about the children'!

  3. Things that make you go 'Hmmm'?
    Wonder how these poor asylum seeking migrants can afford these attorneys or who is paying the attorney's? (Soros?)

  4. You have to be a citizen to have constitutional rights.

  5. This is an organized effort from someone within the united states.

  6. The US Constitution applies to US citizens only. US Constitution does not apply to the whole World. What criminal case are they involved in? That is right when they cross illegally they are breaking US Law which means they are criminals. That means they are treated like criminals by their own admission by filing this bogus lawsuit. Their housing means they are not released after so many days and they are not subject to having their children with them unless they are in the same housing conditions.

  7. Unless they become legal citizens of the USA, they are merely citizens of their home countries. Cry me a river, but you are nothing to the jurisdiction of the USA.

    Go home.Fight to make your own home a better place.


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