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Thursday, November 15, 2018

Judge could put the squeeze on Hillary Clinton for testimony on emails

A conservative watchdog group seeking to compel testimony from Hillary Clinton will get a hearing in federal court on the matter Wednesday afternoon.

Judicial Watch announced Tuesday that U.S. District Court Judge Emmet Sullivan will hear the case, which stems from a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit regarding the controversial employment status of longtime Clinton aide Huma Abedin, who was granted a "special government employee" designation to accept outside employment while she was working at the State Department.

Clinton submitted written testimony under oath in October 2016, but Judicial Watch took issue with her answering that she "does not recall" for multiple questions regarding her Clinton.com, non-state.gov email system.



  1. It could snow five feet tonight in West Ocean City, too, but the chances are very slim.

  2. True it seems the Clinton/Obama klan will never pay for the crimes they committed against this country!

  3. Seeing is believing and I don't for one minute believe it!


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