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Thursday, November 15, 2018

Bernie Sanders’ wife Jane escapes prosecution over bad land deal

Jane Sanders, the wife of Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., will reportedly not face charges after federal prosecutors wrapped up their investigation into a soured land deal involving Burlington College that was brokered while she was president of the institution.

“Jane Sanders has been informed that the U.S. Attorney in Vermont has closed its investigation of the Burlington College land deal and has decided not to bring charges of any kind,” Jeff Weaver, who served as Bernie Sanders' 2016 presidential campaign manager, wrote in a Tuesday statement, according to CNN and Politico.

“Jane is grateful that the investigation has come to an end,” Weaver said. “As she has said from the beginning she has done nothing wrong and Jane is pleased that the matter has now come to a conclusion."



  1. Did you really expect any other ruling. What a waste of money knowing she would never be found guilty.

  2. Obama Crooked BastardoNovember 15, 2018 at 9:10 PM

    I wonder how many judges Bernie had to Pay Off to get Jane off the hook. Burlington College closed their doors, while Sanders clan made millions for themselves. What a Wonderful Socialist Program?! Signed and Endorsed by Bernie himself. Hey Sheeple, Can You feel the Bern?

  3. Is her middle name Hillary or just a blood relative?


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