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Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Franklin Graham: I Back Trump Because He Defends Christian Faith

Evangelical leader Franklin Graham told "Axios on HBO" over the weekend that he supports President Donald Trump because he defends the Christian faith.

"Now people say \, 'Well Frank but how can you defend him, when he's lived such a sordid life?',” Graham said. “I never said he was the best example of the Christian faith. He defends the faith. And I appreciate that very much."

Regarding the president’s treatment of women, Graham, the son of the late Billy Graham and the president and CEO of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, said "Trump has admitted his faults and has apologized to his wife and his daughter for things he has done and said. And he has to stand before God for those things."



  1. WE all back our new President. He loves this country, and he doesn't' apologize, bow, or kiss up to Muslims!

  2. "He defends the faith".

    Well that's vague and nonspecific. What does that mean, exactly? No, I'm serious. Please tell me what that specifically means.

    If I'm not mistaken, every POTUS ever has been Christian. Is he saying that those presidents did or didn't "defend the faith". Obama was a Christian, did he not "defend the faith"? At least Obama seemed to act like a Christian, unlike the current POTUS.

    Last I checked, Trump isn't the President of the Christian Citizens of the United States, he is President of the United States of America.. all citizens all religions.

    He swore to protect and uphold the Constitution, which specifically does not give preference to any religion and doing so would be expressly unconstitutional and expressly un-American.

    Saying "defending the faith" doesn't say or mean anything. It would REALLY help the conversation to actually say what you mean... rather than speaking in non-specific deepities.

    Trump claims to have "repealed" the Johnson Amendment, this is a flat lie. He did not such thing, nor does he have the Constitutional Authority to! He merely wrote a "recommendation" that the IRS not prosecute for this..... Which they never do anyway!!! He has you all so snowballed.

    So, what specifically is "defending the faith" and how has Trump done it?

    And, why Trump!?! Certainly there were more "faith defending" options in the Republican camp to vote for... that don't have his, trouble some problems as Mr. Graham says will be dealt with by God...

    It all stinks. All of it.

  3. "He defends the faith".

    Well that's vague and nonspecific. What does that mean, exactly? No, I'm serious. Please tell me what that specifically means.

    If I'm not mistaken, every POTUS ever has been Christian. Is he saying that those presidents did or didn't "defend the faith". Obama was a Christian, did he not "defend the faith"? At least Obama seemed to act like a Christian, unlike the current POTUS.

    Last I checked, Trump isn't the President of the Christian Citizens of the United States, he is President of the United States of America.. all citizens all religions.

    He swore to protect and uphold the Constitution, which specifically does not give preference to any religion and doing so would be expressly unconstitutional and expressly un-American.

    Saying "defending the faith" doesn't say or mean anything. It would REALLY help the conversation to actually say what you mean... rather than speaking in non-specific deepities.

    Trump claims to have "repealed" the Johnson Amendment, this is a flat lie. He did not such thing, nor does he have the Constitutional Authority to! He merely wrote a "recommendation" that the IRS not prosecute for this..... Which they never do anyway!!! He has you all so snowballed.

    So, what specifically is "defending the faith" and how has Trump done it?

    And, why Trump!?! Certainly there were more "faith defending" options in the Republican camp to vote for... that don't have his, trouble some problems as Mr. Graham says will be dealt with by God...

    It all stinks. All of it.


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