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Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Democrats Highlight Kamala Harris’s Race As Her Removal From The Senate Judiciary Committee Appears Likely

Liberals are preparing for Democratic Sen. Kamala Harris’s possible expulsion from the Senate Judiciary Committee by highlighting she is a black woman.

In the event that Republican Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith wins the Mississippi runoff election on Nov. 27, the makeup of the Senate Judiciary Committee will shift in favor of the GOP, with a seat currently held by a Democrat flipping red. Consequently, Harris, the most junior Democratic member of the committee, will likely be squeezed out.

“Not only would it be unconscionable to remove the only African American woman from the committee, but Senator Harris also is the most skilled questioner on the entire panel,” Brian Fallon, the former press secretary for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign, said according to The Washington Post. “Whatever options they need to consider, removing Harris should not be one of them.”



  1. She is not mentally fit to be on the committee after comments she made during the Kavanugh hearing.

  2. Oh, you mean its not because she has proven to be an idiot?

  3. Race card again. Getting old.

  4. Anyone who watches her know she is a Moron! She asks the stupidest questions.

    "Mr. ----- at the time you were seeing ------ were you seeing them in person with your eyes or not"?

    "Mr. ----- If I axed you when was this incident, would you know if it was when it was"?

    "Mr.---- have you ever been where you have been when you were there"?


  5. Feinstein or Spartacus could step aside, but we're more likely to see Obama's grades or Kerry's DD-214.

  6. She was once asked about the different branches of our government and her answer was "Yes, there are many, the Cherry trees all look so nice in spring". The reporter was dumbfounded by her stupid answer.

  7. blah blah blah Cindy won, buh bye Kamala!

  8. Oh, I'll definitely take the advice of a Hillary advisor, for sure!🍭🍭

  9. She reminds me of the burned out Christmas bulbs that need to be replaced every so often.

  10. Using the race card, now she must go!


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