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Monday, November 26, 2018

Exclusive: Trump Set to Indict Hillary Clinton & Other Deep Staters in Coming Months

The desperate Swamp is aware that their end is near and is trying to discredit AG Whitaker

President Trump is keen on indicting Hillary Clinton, as he promised he would do during his presidential campaign. Alex Jones breaks down how the Deep State is hell-bent on preventing Trump from restoring law and order in the Justice Department.


  1. When I see it I will Believe it.

  2. These investigations go on and on and only end when the subject or subjects are dead...

    1. Well thats a plus too if you think about it, hopefully their demise will come soon!

    2. That would be a plus though, let their demise come quickly!

  3. Hillary will drink herself to death before she sees a courtroom.

  4. This is the one main thing I would like to see happen is Hillary behind bars, and or stripped of any power this applies to her and the rapist Bill. The 2nd most important is the borders.


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