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Thursday, October 18, 2018

Two cops face dismissal after they fired at an unarmed teen driving a stolen car

Two Chicago police officers are facing dismissal after they fired on a stolen Jaguar being driven by an unarmed teen who was then killed by a third officer.

Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson found that Officers Michael Coughlin Jr. and his partner that day, Jose Torres violated department rules when they fired on the Jaguar being driven by 18-year-old Paul O'Neal in July of 2016.

The case now goes to the Chicago Police Board which will determine which rules have been violated and if the officers should lose their jobs, according to theChicago Tribune.

While Torres and Coughlin's shots did not strike O'Neal, when the teen ditched the car and started running through backyards in the South Shore neighborhood, Officer Jose Diaz believed he was armed and fired at him.



  1. They always "BELIEVE" they are armed and shoot you... It is their only scapegoat other than, it was for their safety...

  2. What did the kid major in in school. A degree in stupid and how to steal cars? And yes,would have the same reply if he was white. Just sorry he had to die.

  3. Well I for one happen to believe that people who steal cars should be shot.

  4. Man.
    I wish all I had to say to get off from shooting someone IN THE BACK was "I was afraid!! I THOUGHT he MIGHT be armed!".
    If you are that afraid, why did you CHASE him??
    To get a chance at shooting that gun, you bad-ass.
    Stealing a car is absolutely wrong. It is NOT, however, a death sentence, except when you are running from the judge, the jury, and the executioner.
    Bring it.

  5. 1154 - He was driving a stolen car and fled from police putting innocent lives at risk...He deserved whatever happened to him. The world is a now slightly better place.

  6. He was NOT in his car "putting innocent lives at risk".

    He was RUNNING away. Stop making up BS to justify murder.
    What was he going to do? Jump a fence and land on a woman in a wheelchair?

    So, they killed him for what he MIGHT have done??
    I'd also say three cops firing their weapons in a neighborhood would ALSO "put innocent lives at risk, but like the automatic rifles fired by the police in DOWNTOWN SALISBURY, YOUR life is secondary when it comes down to police shootings.

    Keep cheering.

  7. @October 18, 2018 at 3:32. Anytime, tough guy. Oh, is that your momma calling you for dinner?

  8. @October 19, 2018 at 8:23 AM. You're an idiot. Yaaaaaaaa, hoorayyyyy. How's that for cheering, fool? Always a cop hater.

  9. Don't want the cops after you, don't want the cops to shoot you? Then don;t steal a car, morons.


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