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Thursday, October 18, 2018

Facebook Deletes Disabled Vet’s Page Without Warning — After Taking $300,000 for Ads

Facebook blacklisted the conservative news page run by disabled Air Force veteran Brian Kolfage with no warning or explanation — after he reportedly spent more than $300,000 on Facebook advertising.

On his new website which aims to put an end to social media censorship, Air Force veteran and triple-amputee Brian Kolfage explains who he is and the challenges he’s facing stating: “I’m a veteran of The United States Air Force. I was severely wounded in combat, on 9/11/2004 while serving in Iraq I lost both my legs entirely and my right hand. I’m the most severely wounded US Airman to survive.”

Kolfage continued: “I’m not a ‘conservative.’ I’m not a ‘liberal.’ I’m an American, with deep beliefs in what our country stands for. I proved this by vowing to protect and fighting for America greatest tenant: Free Speech. Many Americans have fought for these political freedoms … freedom of speech … and every American has enjoyed those freedoms… UNTIL TODAY. October 11th Facebook shut down thousands of Facebook accounts for their political opinions stating that they don’t have a ‘legitimate political argument’. STOP SOCIAL MEDIA CENSORSHIP NOW!”

Kolfage was the administrator of a number of Facebook pages, notably the pages Right Wing News and Military Grade Coffee, both of which were deleted recently as Facebook attempts to crack down on what it considers “misinformation” on the platform. Right Wing News had more than 3 million followers at the time of its blacklisting by Facebook.

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  1. But FARRAKHAN can Spew his Hate BS

  2. I call shenanigans.

    No company censors you for being "conservative". That is flatly false.

    People are removed for violating terms of service. It was reported that his page was guilty of spamming, and had been warned about it multiple times.

    No one is being censored as it is being made to seem, but for the sake of argument lets assume it is. If you are going to say that a Baker can't be compelled to deliver a cake that is against his conscience, how in world can you argue that Facebook must be compelled to deliver speech that violates it's conscience?

  3. Encourage people to go and kill Zuckerburg!

  4. Facebook took to the Dark Side some time ago.

  5. Supreme Court needs to rule this is a violation of free speech. Let the lawsuits roll.

  6. F Facebook.
    What exactly IS a "legitimate" political argument, anyway?

    Who doesn't think we are headed for civil war???

    Future victims, that's who.

  7. Just don't do Fakebook


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