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Thursday, October 11, 2018

The Odd Story About Christine Blasey Ford’s Second Front Door That Triggered The Kavanaugh Allegation

It’s been a frenetic couple of weeks. It’s been nasty. It’s been a knife fight. The Left tried to stop Judge Brett Kavanaugh from becoming the next Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court. They almost succeeded, spewing baseless sexual misconduct accusations that turned the nomination process into a freak show. Their base is animated, but so is ours. At no other point in the Trump presidency has the Right been so united behind defending and confirming this man. Very soon, it will be made official. Sens. Jeff Flake (R-AZ), Joe Manchin (D-WV), and Susan Collins (R-ME) have all announced they’re voting for Kavanaugh. That’s more than enough to confirm him. It’s over.

The sexual misconduct allegations against Kavanaugh all were lacking evidence and corroborating witnesses. It was a horrid window into how the Left views due process and the presumption of innocence. In short, it’s lacking in their world. It’s all guided by identity politics and the cuckoo notion that women are incapable of lying. The first allegation lobbed by Christine Blasey Ford, where she says a drunken 17-year-old Kavanaugh tried to rape her at a high school party, was handwritten in a letter to Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s (D-CA) office, where it sat for weeks. Feinstein didn’t disclose it to anyone, not even her Senate colleagues until the last minute, which set off this clown show. In all probability, the Democrats leaked the letter and weaponized this woman’s allegation. There’s not a shred of evidence to confirm this—and Ford can’t remember key details. She doesn’t know who organized the party, whose house it was in, how she got there, or who drove her home after the alleged attack. Years later, when doing a home renovation, an argument over a door brought out the story in couple’s therapy in 2012. Yet, Paul Sperry of Real Clear Investigations noted something odd about this part of Ford’s testimony before Congress, namely that the timeline doesn't match up:



  1. This psychiatrist needs an exam from her peers...

  2. Very obvious to most rational Americans; the Dems attempted to throw a coup and ended up with egg on their face. Feinstein blew it and only managed to have the left wing judiciary members embarrass themselves with no credible evidence and grandstanding by Corey "Spartacus" Booker and "I so wanna be" president Kamala Harris.

  3. Her story had more holes than a pasta strainer.

  4. She's a liar. Plain and simple and anyone who claims to believe her is also a liar or maybe a fool to fall for her con. The liar purposely didn't give anything that could be proved such as a location and she didn't narrow the time down because the liar was afraid Justice Kavanaugh could provide proof he was elsewhere.

  5. So a permit was issued for renovations to include a second door for a business in her home, not because she is claustrophobic as she claimed in her testimony. And the work was done a few years prior to her argument with her husband about installing the second door. Her testimony is full errors. But plenty of evidence supporting Cavanaugh's claims. How could anyone in their right mind accuse an innocent person of wrongdoing unless they are a left wing liberal out to destroy someone they don't like or don't want appointed to an important position.


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