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Thursday, October 11, 2018

Schools Not Required to Notify Parents If Child Identifies as Transgender, New Jersey Says

It's one of the most delicate and potentially combustible questions schools can face.

A teenager confides in a teacher that he or she is transgender and wants to transition at school without any family finding out about it.

Should the school call the student's parents? And, if it does, what happens if mom and dad say no?

After years of school officials using their own best judgment, New Jersey has weighed in, siding with students and telling schools they must allow kids to change genders -- even if their parents don't know about or don't want it to happen.
View Full Story From NJ.com


  1. To liberal educators, your children aren’t yours. Hillary said it takes a village. She meant the village takes.

  2. Well, I guess if the parents don't have a clue their child is having transgender notions it isn't up to he school to clue them in.

  3. This will not stand.

  4. Fire the council.

  5. Lmao. The parents don’t already know? Y’all would need confirmation from a school system as to gender identity of your child?

  6. This is a less than one percent issue. No need to give gender identification a high consideration. Stop giving libs power

  7. I would think the parents would know.


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