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Saturday, October 06, 2018

The Fraternal Order of Police Endorse Bob Culver & Others...

The Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 111 is proud to announce it is endorsing the following local candidates for the 2018 General Election. The following candidates have requested our endorsement
and have been selected by the membership for their expressed support for our local law enforcementofficers.

Wicomico County Executive Bob Culver

Wicomico County State’s Attorney Jamie Dykes

Wicomico County Councilman District 3 Larry Dodd

Wicomico County Council Candidate at Large William McCain

Wicomico County Council Candidate District 4 Suzanah Cain

Wicomico County Clerk of the Circuit Court Candidate James “Bo” McAllister

We would also like to thank those candidates who attended our candidate’s forum and were not selected, as we appreciate the time they took out of their very busy schedules and wish everyone the
best of luck in their races.

The Wicomico County Fraternal Order of Police serves 188 active and retired police officers from the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office, the Salisbury City Police Department, the Salisbury University Police Department, and the Fruitland Police Department.


  1. Perhaps I am a minority in this thought, but who endorses who plays absolutely no bearing on who I vote for. Not really sure why it is still a "thing".

  2. Anonymous said...
    Perhaps I am a minority in this thought, but who endorses who plays absolutely no bearing on who I vote for. Not really sure why it is still a "thing".

    October 6, 2018 at 9:20 AM

    Because it does have a bearing on who many others vote for.

    I am so sorry you didn't get the endorsement you Liberal Douche Bag!

    1. Really! Why are you so angry? Some endorsements are a waste of time. Do you really think every officer endorses these people. I doubt it. Go with the flow or get fired. Something to think about.

    2. Not a liberal or a douche bag. I just do not understand the swaying power of endorsements have over voters.
      Calling others names like you have makes you look like a liberal. Republicans/conservatives are better than that.

  3. "Wicomico County Council Candidate at Large William McCain"

    They endorsed Democrat Bill McCain? The same Bill McCain that wants to remove the Revenue Cap and raise taxes to fund everything the Board of Education asks for. The same Bill McCain that wants to fund the Board of Education and cut funding to the Wicomico County Sheriff's Office?

    What the Hell were they thinking??

  4. This might sound dumb, but is there any legit polling of candidates on the local level? Like, County Council, City Council, etc? Also, is there ever a case where they do a debate, or town hall, where both parties are present? If so, apologies, just unaware if there is such.

    I'd be curious if some of these Wicomico races are as close as some of the candidates think they are.

    Joe, any thoughts on which Council Seats will go Dem vs. Rep?


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