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Sunday, October 07, 2018

H2O Unplugged II


  1. They've been watching to many fast and furious movies.lol.

  2. Not the venue for this stupidity. I thought the lawless crowd had been flushed out in 2016. Are lawmen still hesitant of doing the job. Go get them, there's a new sheriff in the White House. No more beer summits. Previous dude sure let a stain on society.

  3. Where ar the police? Probably pulling someone else over for talking on their cell phone.

  4. Losers. Family resort, eh?

  5. I must ask again. Hey Rickie - you said there would be plenty of LEOs - a all hands on deck kind of mentality. Where were they?

    Epic FAIL again!

  6. If you sell tires they're good for business. MAGA!

  7. H20 - aka the event that was "canceled" but still had better attendance than the National Folk Festival

  8. 1041 - BINGO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Old guy here. Was in OC this past weekend. There was a ton of law enforcement present, and they were pulling cars over almost non-stop, primarily for going over 30 I guess.

    I've seen the videos of the smoking tires, spinouts, etc. I guess those videos were taken in OC, I just didn't observe it.

    Because traffic was so heavy, we walked to our destinations. We walked thru the heavy crowds of the car enthusiasts, who lined the streets as if watching the Macy's parade.

    These young people were boisterous and energetic, but respectful to us as we passed thru the masses. We never felt threatened.

    Just our experience.

  10. Ok 10:41, THAT was funny!!!!!!!!

  11. Tow truck operators made a small fortune.

  12. I get pulled over for a tail light out but these punks can do this ??????
    Shame on the OCPD WCSO MSP your all a JOKE

  13. 12:46 - fellow old guy here and you are correct - I never felt threatened either and think the LE did a supralative job, but once again they were outnumbered - there is only so much that can be done but in uptown it was realatively quiet - am thankful for the work of LE and their efforts - must have been a tough job to do but I am guessing that the word got out quickly about fines/points!!!!!

  14. Yup I got pulled over coming through west oc. State boy sitting in the middle with no lights on. Came and pulled me over....for a tag light smh I was like y’all busy huh?? He said yeah they are calling for more help now...rightttt yet you are worried about my taglight on a dodge advenger but ok ����

  15. Have to ask, was the juice (obtaining additional LEOs for a non-sanctioned/CANCELLED event) worth the squeeze?

    By seeing all the video's without LEOs and hearing folks getting tickets for minor offenses - my tax dollars were NOT used properly! Any drunks get pulled over from Winefest?

    My guess is no!

  16. its no different than what goes on at any of the other "events".


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