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Sunday, October 07, 2018

Cardin, Van Hollen Said FBI Investigation On Kavanaugh Incomplete

Maryland's U.S. senators, after reviewing the FBI's added background findings on Brett Kavanaugh, say the probe was lacking.

"Clearly there were many people who were not interviewed," Sen. Ben Cardin told Stacy Lyn and Robert Lang on WBAL News Now.

Cardin, a Democrat, was already against Kavanaugh before the allegations came up, citing his worries that he would side too much with President Donald Trump on presidential power, and would be a vote against consumer rights, abortion rights and organized labor. However, Cardin said, Kavanaugh's behavior at a hearing held on the sexual assault allegation made by Christine Blasey Ford only solidified Cardin's opposition.

"I don't mind his passion, but what I thought was unacceptable is the way he just went into a partisan tirade of conspiracy theories," Cardin said. "He showed to me that he was partisan and that he did not have the judicial temperament in my view to serve on the court."

The FBI only interviewed nine witnesses. Investigators didn't speak to Kavanaugh, Ford or accuser Julie Swetnick.



  1. I trust a creep in a van with a lollipop more than these fools!

  2. It's not a "conspiracy theory" when baseless, factless charges are brought against a man from one single political party that had previously stated they would "brung the kitchen sink" to aggressively oppose a Republican candidate.

  3. Who cares what you think cardin. They could interview 10,000 people and you would still vote a partisan no. Time for you to go like all the other libtards.

  4. There is no one who will corroborate any of the sexual assault charges. This is the 7th investigation of Judge Kavanaugh. The democrats will only be satisfied if his nomination is withdrawn or defeated.


  5. If it were up to the dumbocrats, they would appoint Mueller and let him investigate for about 3 more years.

  6. And why is this news ? They get their talking points from Soros every morning

  7. Cardin you show us everyday that you shouldn't be a Maryland senator

  8. These two wouldn't vote to confirm Jesus Christ if he wasn't a demorat.

  9. Please stop bashing the Dems it's not there fault they are stupid

  10. I sent an email to both two weeks ago, politely asking that they give their support to Kavanaugh's confirmation. I'm still waiting for a reply.

  11. We saw this coming as soon as it was announced that yet another FBI investigation would be done, that no matter what they did, it wouldn't be enough to satisfy the Dems, i.e., wouldn't take long enough to delay the process and would find no wrongdoing. They're getting very predictable.

  12. I wonder if either one of these demon rats could withstand to be scrutinized just ONE time by FBI, let alone six or seven. Be careful fools, what goes around, comes back to bite you.

  13. Who cares what any A$$ form the communist state of Maryland has to say anyhow. They are worthless at best. Just like our now RINO Gov. Kills me to have to vote for as DEM but looks like we have one already. Turncoat

  14. These 2 idiots will say this but say Hillary was investigated fully and the Russian investigation was done completely. They are the puppets of the "bully" Democrats and Soros. They do not represent Marylanders. They only represent DC corridor. They never answer your concerns when contacted just using the Socialist talking points. They also say they represent their constituents. Wrong answer they represent all Marylanders, even they say that when it is convenient politically for them.

  15. Then we need to vote them out of office. Teach them a lesson. Their opinion does not matter more than the opinion of the people. Who they SERVE.

  16. We were missing a conservative on the bench. Now he's replaced with a conservative.

  17. PLEASE vote Ben Cardin out of office He is not good for this state or country.
    AND Jim Mathiais need to go also. WE NEED NEW BLOOD


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