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Thursday, October 04, 2018

FBI Has No Plans To Interview Dr. Ford In Kavanaugh Probe: Reports

With Arizona Senator Jeff Flake waffling over whether he will ultimately vote to confirm Trump SCOTUS pick Brett Kavanaugh, NBC News - the news organization that Lindsey Graham has accused of colluding with Democrats to sabotage Kavanaugh's nomination- has confirmed that the FBI will not interview Dr. Christine Blasey Ford as part of its expanded background-check probe into Kavanaugh.

Though many suspected this was the case when the bureau neglected to reach out to Ford over the weekend, the way NBC tells it, this fact could become ammunition for Democrats who are seeking a further delay of a confirmation vote.

Using phrasing which suggests that the White House is still working to constrain the Kavanaugh probe despite Trump repeatedly insisting that the opposite is true, NBC reported that the administration believes "Ford's public testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee was sufficient and the FBI would be wasting its time speaking to her again about allegations of sexual assault against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, said a source familiar with the Trump administration's thinking."



  1. why do they keep referring her as a DR.
    when she isnt

    1. Doesn't she have her PHd? Dr.
      Doesn't just mean medical. Not sure if that is what you mean.

  2. Traitors to this nation every dam one of you if you fall for BS. Vote the man in.

  3. The FBI don't want to waste valuable time listening to more of her lies!

  4. Just get her out of our sight.


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