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Thursday, October 04, 2018

Anti-Kavanaugh protesters accosting senators have ties to Soros

The women involved came from a nonprofit called Center for Popular Democracy that has received funding from liberal billionaire George Soros, records show

When Sen. Jeff Flake was accosted by two women in an elevator on Capitol Hill, it was seen as one of the most striking moments of last week’s Brett Kavanaugh Supreme Court nomination battle.

In the morning, Flake put out a statement indicating his support for Kavanaugh, but following the elevator incident, he made a dramatic call in the committee room for a one week delay so an FBI investigation could investigate sexual abuse allegations against the nominee.

Flake admitted afterwards that the elevator moment “certainly struck a chord” with him.

Just three days later, three women harassed Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell as he walked through the terminal at Reagan National Airport.

“How many stories of sexual violence do you need to hear in order to believe woman,” one of the woman asked McConnell during Monday’s incident. Video shows McConnell looking straight ahead.



  1. So is it legal for Soros to hire these hit people? Why can't lady liberty go after his old stinking ass? We sure are a tolerant people to let turds step all over us. If he is located outside of our country that should't be a problem, we don't have boarders.

  2. Is anyone really surprised to hear it is Soros causing riots etc?

  3. Always follow the money.

  4. Are all these protesters now have become careers?

  5. Look this is getting ridculous. When will our government sworn to protect us from enemies foriegn or domestic. Put this illegal black sources of funding by foriegn nationals to a stop!!!! Soros and his many cells of revolutionarys are at WAR with this republic. When is it going to stop. Its not free speech. Its dangerous and violent seditious, criminal behavior that has to be stopped....

  6. And how many witnesses in support of Kavanaugh do you need to prove his innocence? The accuser's testimony is full of holes. Kavanaugh's is solid.

  7. 3:01 - Only the democrats are suprised.

  8. Why cant we hire Hillary's hit man to take make Soro's have a suicide?

  9. No surprise there. Soros it supporting all of libs and protestors. Has been for years.


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